Equipment in Afghanistan (RANT)
One simple fact: our boys are out in Afghanistan dying. They’re giving their lives for a war that this government chose to become part of. These same boys and their leadership are telling our ignorant government that they are short of equipment, it is outdated and just not up to the job.
The government have the audacity to completely deny there is a shortage of equipment in Afghanistan and say things like “more helicopters won’t remove the risk“. No, more helicopters won’t remove the risk, but they’ll make it less risky to go out on operations down the same road day after day you ignorant bastards and I’m yet to hear of an IED taking out a helicopter. That kind of hiding behind words utterly infurates me and who ever voted these retards in to power needs to seriously reconsider their vote next time.
We’ve got Chinooks that are sitting in a hangar doing NOTHING when they could be saving our boys’ lives. Get them fitted out as they need to be and get them in to operation for god sake! More troop carrier helicopters means our boys can move in and out of operations quicker and more safely, when injuries occur there are more helicopters for evacuation and a better chance that we can actually make an impact in an otherwise unwinnable war.
Oi, Labour, let the Generals run the war and they’ll get it finished. You won’t be re-elected anyway so just shut your mouths, do like the Americans and give our boys what they need to get the job done. I would happily pay more tax if I knew the money would go on equipment for our lads that are laying their lives on the line day after day. Seriously, I’ve absolutely had it with this government.
– (a very angry) Lewis
I’d also like to add that people who talk about the lessons of history, babbling on about how the past 100 years has never seen a victory over the Afgan people, are idiots.
The war is not against Afghanistan or its people and is therefore not comparable to any previous war. It is against the Taliban, an insurgent force similar to the IRA. Nobody has suggested that ISAF forces will be able to “defeat” the Taliban in the true sense of the word but they can weaken it sufficiently to make it less of a threat to the Afghan people and its government.
Once that objective is met, ISAF can hand over to an Afghan army that is suitably trained and equipped to manage anything a weakened Taliban can muster. The will of the Afghan people will then defeat the Taliban, much like has happened in Northern Ireland.